It all begins with quiet book benefits.
When you learn all about it, you get to know the real power of a quiet book. But gathering all the information together is time-consuming. Sometimes it feels like you need to become an expert in child development.
With so much information scattered over the internet, you could easily give up never knowing how a quiet book can help your child and why it’s the best educational toys for kids out there.
In this chapter, you’ll take in essential knowledge about child development and how quiet books cover all the critical skills in an early stage of a child’s growth.
Ready? Let’s dive in
Child Development Overview for Understanding Quiet Book Benefits
First, we should look at four primary areas of child development:
- Physical Development
- Social and Emotional Development
- Cognitive or Intellectual Development
- Communicative Development (Speech and Language)
With a quiet book, we can easily take care of development in all four areas with appropriately selected activities.
Take a look at this video to learn more about child development areas
Now, let’s walk through all four development areas and see just a few examples of using a felt book for a specific area:
Quiet Book Benefits and Physical Development
Physical development starts from the head down to the legs.
It’s about a child’s ability to use large and small body muscles and the awareness of one’s own body, including physical capability and coordination.
The newborn baby first learns how to lift his head. The next milestone is to push the body up with hands, followed by crawling, and after that, walking – gross motor skills.
Physical development also takes progression from the center of the body toward the feet, hands, and fingers. That’s the reason why usually a baby will master walking before the control of the fingers – fine motor skills.
As parents, we’re all so excited when our baby reaches a new milestone in the development.
And our baby’s smile… priceless.
Here’s how a quiet book impacts both areas of motor skill development.
Gross motor skills are the ability to use large body muscles. It’s about the movements of the entire body like:
crawling, standing, sitting up, walking, running, dancing, jumping, sliding, climbing, pushing, riding a bike, swimming, ball skills (throwing and catching, kicking), carrying something while walking, etc.
Now, there aren’t any direct quiet book benefits about gross motor skills.
When children play with toys that involve so many different activities, they are bound to change sitting positions, move around a toy, crouch low, stand up, etc.
By always moving around and keeping large body muscles active and engaged during play, a quiet book benefits gross motor skills development.
Here’s a list of 35 activities that help to develop gross motor skills
But fine motor skills are where a quiet book really excels. Let’s take a look.
Fine motor skills are the ability to use small body muscles. That includes
drawing, painting, writing, using cutlery, tying shoelaces, opening doors and drawers, brushing teeth, dressing and undressing, buttoning, zipping, grasping, turning objects in hands, turning book pages, clapping, folding, using scissors, pouring water, screwing jar lids, building towers, etc.
Hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills are two of the main quiet book benefits.
There are endless options for training fine motor skills with a quiet book.
Your imagination is your limit for designing activities that include buttoning, zipping, turning pages, grabbing, pulling, tying, placing things on the designated spot, etc.
See our quiet book pattern library to get some ideas.
But almost all quiet book pages (except ones designed solely to observe and detect details) will help kids develop fine motor skills.
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Quiet Book Benefits and Social and Emotional Development
Emotions play a big part in a child’s growth.
How well can your child learn to manage and express feelings depends on whether or not she’ll make a scene in a supermarket when you don’t buy her a new toy.
Or what will her reaction be when she doesn’t get the Christmas present she wanted.
And even later in life, when she grows up, how well can she handle her emotions in stressful situations before she snaps.
We’ve all been there, right?
But it also impacts on a child’s self-image, identity, and the ability to interact and establish positive relationships with others.
Quiet books initiate a desire for improvement, controlling emotions and behaviors to complete a challenge. Also, they help develop persistence and patience in completing tasks of various difficulties.
We, as grown-ups, face difficult challenges in our lives that test our nerves. Each of us reacts differently, and sometimes we just wish we could let it go and not feel bad about the whole situation.
Children are still learning how to best react to challenges and situations. And those small challenges in quiet books are an excellent playground for “real-world problems”.
Quiet Book Benefits and Cognitive Development
This development area is about how your child learns and thinks, generates ideas, approaches problem-solving, makes decisions, and generally understands the world around.
Let’s take a look at some examples of cognitive abilities:
sorting shapes and colors, identifying body parts, listening short storybook with pictures, engaging in simple games, completing puzzles, playing make-believe with animals, dolls, etc., understanding the concept of counting, time, causality, mass; following three-parts commands, looking in correct places for toys while missing, pointing to exciting objects, copying circle, letter, etc.
You can significantly influence your children’s cognitive development by getting involved with them regularly.
You know…
A child can only learn shapes, objects, animals, colors, letters, numbers, etc., if someone had told them what they are.
Activities in a soft book are designed to engage a young brain. Almost every activity offers a unique challenge that will occupy your child.
A quiet book benefits cognitive skills when children are solving page activity problems, sorting and matching, comparing, organizing, and asking questions, etc.
It’s activities also help your child to understand the cause and effect, and to distinguish between the real world and fiction.
Last, but not least,
they help to increase a child’s attention span, which is extremely important in this moderns world.
Quiet Book Benefits and Communicative Development
It’s about a child’s ability to understand sounds and words, use of speech, and gestures to communicate meaning.
The speed of communicative development in the first years is impressive. In the early months, newborns communicate through crying and being quiet. 18-months old toddlers will be using around 30-40 words, and 3-year-olds will already be creating more complex sentences.
Although language development is still ongoing, it is much harder for children to learn a new language after the age of 5.
Non-verbal communication also takes place, and children learn it through experiences.
Some examples of communicative development are: saying “mama” and “dada” for a specific person. Also shaking head for “no”, listening when spoken to, and understanding “no”.
Furthermore, repeating different sounds, recognizing names, knowing own name, responding to simple instructions.
Later they learn to use two words linked together, echo prominent word in sentences, talk to self during play, and start to use the plural form.
All until they can make simple sentences, use pronouns and words to communicate wants and needs, and knowing simple rhymes and songs, etc.
So, how can a quiet book help?
A quiet book allows so many different ways of playing with a single activity and encourage imagination where children will try to express everything that’s going on.
Children are becoming better in the communicative section by increasing vocabulary when describing what’s on the activity or what actions are taking place. They are creating fictional stories around a specific activity and adding details. They can also practice mutual communication and following directions or merely asking for help if they need it, etc.
Summing up
With meaningful activity pages design, we can intentionally strengthen the selected areas. Often the areas of development on one page may overlap.
Take the example of the Brushing teeth activity page:
- A child practices fine motor skills while putting toothpaste on the toothbrush and brushing teeth.
- Kids feel empathy for the animal when brushing their teeth and insisting on cleaning them all. They also learn the cause and consequences of brushing or skipping brushing their teeth.
- Children often come up with stories about the animal. They train expression and imagination doing so. And finally, slowly internalize the habit of daily teeth brushing.
Pretty impressive, huh?
If we combine benefits in all four sections, we can see that:
Quiet books stimulate exploration and curiosity.
Children are naturally curious. By having so many interactive activities, a quiet book inspires children to be curious and explore every detail in the book. Encouraging curiosity in children is fundamental as it can expand their empathy, boost achievements, and helps strengthen relationships.
Quiet books help developing senses.
When playing with a quiet book, children use different senses of the human body. Sight and touch are the most common senses that are further developed. Although it’s called a quiet book, sound can also be developed using an educational toy like this. The more children are exposed to these activities, the better their senses develop.
Quiet books possibly increase IQ.
Quiet books are made to improve motor skills, cognitive skills, basic literacy, memorization, identification, and hand-eye coordination. When these are all encouraged to develop during the early stages of a child’s personal growth, they are likely to grow up more intelligent.
Quiet books Increase attention span.
If you ask a physicist, children are a “constant-moving-objects,” and their velocity is unbalanced. Getting kids to stay still for a prolonged period is a challenge every parent must overcome. A quiet book encourages children’s ability to sit still and is a good source of entertainment and mental stimulation.
It means parents do not have to rely on TV or tablets as a way to keep their children seated for an extended period.
There are a lot of benefits to play with a quiet book. It is an investment in your child, and after all, the benefits of these kinds of toys last until they reach their adult years.
So whenever you’re buying or making a quiet book for your child, keep those benefits in mind.