Quiet Book Submarine

Quiet Book Pattern - Submarine

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This Biniboo Quiet Book Submarine page is great for fine motor skills and exploring the cause-effect concept.

You can make this Quiet book Submarine page in the no-sew method, as long as you are willing to hand-sew the button.

If you just started planning your quiet book, I suggest you read the Quiet book Guide, where you can find out how to choose the best activity pages for your child and what is the general procedure of making a quiet book. 

If you want to use the no-sew method, I kindly suggest reading an article about gluing before you start, to find out if your glue is suitable for making no-sew quiet book activities. Also, do a test and make sure your hot glue doesn’t melt the felt. If you will make a sewn quiet book, make sure you know how to sew felt in quiet books correctly.

Activity in a no-sew method.
Activity in a sewing method.



If you haven’t already, first, create a fabric page base (sewing method) or felt page base (no-sew method). Download and print the FREE PDF Submarine Quiet Book Pattern for this activity and cut out all the shapes. You can find the pattern at the bottom of the page.

Put the paper pieces on a stiff felt, transcribe them, and then cut them out from felt. If you don’t want to waste hours searching for all the materials you need and transcribing and cutting the felt, check my DIY store to buy a pre-cut DIY kit for this activity page.

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Put all the pieces on the page, so you will see, where you should glue and sew the pieces. Make marks with an erasable pen on the periscope and the bottom of the red submarine.


First, glue or sew the beige sea bottom.

No-sew method: Glue the white periscope on the backside of the submarine and then glue the submarine on the page.

Sewing method: First sew the periscope on the page and then the red submarine.


Glue or sew the pieces on the page in the following order: white peepholes of the submarine and yellow felt strip, seagrass, and gray rocks.


No-sew method: make a wavy line with an erasable marker. Put leaves around and when you are satisfied with the look, coat the line with the permanent marker. Glue the leaves on the page.

Sewing method: Make a wavy line with an erasable pen. Take the small cord and seal the edges with the lighter. Put it on the line you draw and sew it on the page with the straight stitch, needle in the center position. Use the brown or black thread. Then, sew all the leaves with the same thread color.


Glue (or sew around) 2 propellers together.


Make a buttonhole: Draw a 2 cm (¾ in) line in the middle of the propeller with tailor chalk or erasable fabric pen. Cut around the line, using a Stanley knife.

Sewing method: sew also around the holes.


Mark the location of where you’ll sew the button. You can help yourself with placing the propellers first and then mark the location.

Manually sew the button with a thin needle and a double thread. First, put a piece of the stiff fusible interfacing on the back of the page, precisely under the button location. Start hand-sewing from the back of the page to the front. Put a bead on the thread in the front, then insert the button. When sewing back, go through the bead again. Repeat four times. To fix the button, go through the other pair of holes the second time. IMPORTANT: You need a thin needle, otherwise the needle will not go over the bead in the third or fourth time.

Attach the propeller on the button.

You finished the Biniboo Quiet Book Submarine page. Congrats!


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